Mini-Kit ‘Sound’

The kit contains a comprehensive manual and easy to set up equipment e.g. a sound box, a tuning fork, test tubes, sound plates, chord stretchers, rubber rings, springsteel strip and ear hoses, with which 8 basic experiments in the field of acoustics can be carried out.
Size of kit: 270 x 210 x 50 mm
Age 8-14
Materials for 1 work group or demonstration

The picture shows a red toolbox filled with various experimental materials. These include transparent tubes, rubber bands, a yellow plastic element with holes and other utensils for experimental purposes

item number 16104

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Technical specifications

Size of kit: 270 x 210 x 50 mm

  • 1 - What is sound?

    experiment "What is sound?"

    The students examine the sound - the basic question "What is sound?" is answered by a spring steel strip and a steel needle.

  • 2 - Can you see sound?

    experiment "Can you see sound?"

    In this experiment, a tuning fork is struck and held in a bowl of water. The behavior of the water surface is observed.

  • 3 - Sound exerts pressure

    experiment "Sound exerts pressure"

    In this experiment, a ball is held by the thread to a tuning fork. This is struck and the students observe the behavior of the ball.

  • 4 - How can sound be amplified?

    experiment "How can sound be amplified?"

    In this experiment it is observed when a sound can be amplified.

  • 5 - How can sound be transmitted?

    experiment "How can sound be transmitted?"

    The volume of the sound is compared through a hearing tube and an ear piece.

  • 6 - High and low tones

    experiment "High and low tones"

    The students use high and low tones to investigate when a tone-producing body vibrates faster or slower.

  • 7 - Sounding air

    experiment "Sounding air"

    The students use test tubes to check whether sounds can be heard.

  • 8 - Sound combinations / music

    experiment "Sound combinations / music"

    In this experiment, sound bars are stimulated to vibrate, which produce a tone and are transmitted through the air as sound.

scope of supply
  • 3 × Plastic test tube, 152 mm
  • 1 × Plastic dish, 80 mm Ø
  • 1 × Sound box, 3 parts
  • 2 × Cord stretcher
  • 1 × Triangular bridge
  • 1 × Tuning fork, 95 mm long not tuned
  • 1 × Flexible hearing tubing 630 mm
  • 1 × Set of 5 sound plates
  • 1 × Plastic mallet, 160 mm (drum stick)
  • 1 × Spring steel strip with oscillation head, 300 mm
  • 1 × Ball on thread
  • 1 × Carton for plastic box R3270x230x55 mm (int.dim.)
  • 1 × Plastic box R3 260x197x55 mm
  • 2 × Lidfoam R3, grey 260x200x10 mm
  • 1 ×
  • 4 ×
  • 1 ×